Effective transformation & freedom from the emotional bindings of our past.

Transformation and freedom from the binds of our past that restricts our present as shown by our behaviours and choices.

Effectively dealing with the underlying pain that drives self destruction, dysfunctional relationships, coping mechanisms and emotional or mental health issues.

A subconscious body and mind approach for healing the nervous system, emotions, core beliefs, traumas, limiting experiences that that invisibly control your life and stop you realising your true potential.

You are not broken. Just adapted to stay safe.

Trauma 2 Compassion

What is trauma?

Your sympathetic nervous system is a network of nerves that helps your body activate its fight, flight or fawn/freeze response. This system is your protector and becomes more active when you’re stressed, in danger or physically active. Its effects include increasing your heart rate, breathing ability, heightened senses including eye sight, hearing and global sense;  at the same time slowing other bodily processes like digestion.

When we experience something that remains unresolved, that experience remains unsafe and our body remains stuck in a heightened state because our survival mode always protects us. Over time, we learn to live in a hyper-vigilant state of body and mind and the original experience becomes a subconscious (or forgotten) memory.

When you are exposed to something that reminds your subconscious of the danger, it may trigger a physical feeling or sensation such as nerves on edge, fast heart rate, breathlessness, dizziness, zoned out or you feel rage.

Sometimes your nervous system is so dysregulated, that you’re unwittingly in a very stressed states of hyper-arousal, which is a primary symptom to PTSD or Complex-PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder). Other ways your nervous system expresses dysregulation includes avoidance, anxiety or depression, or using external products such as drugs or alcohol to ‘calm’/numb out the feelings we are too scared/terrified to experience again.

This survival drive is deeply rooted in our unconscious, and it’s purpose is to keep us safe, which may eventually keep us limited, invisible, and not experience a happy full filling life.

There are different traumas; development, acute, generational and collection (culture) - however they are all based on the human needs; Am I safe? Do I matter? Do I belong.

It’s important to understand that trauma is not always caused by a big ‘T’ trauma - such as war, or abuse but, our society has never learned emotional resilience and how to deal with what is known as little ‘t’ trauma. We are more likely to be exposed to little ‘t’ traumas.

Examples of ‘Big Trauma’

War, combat , natural disaster, sexual or physical abuse, child abuse and neglect, serious accident, crime, death or loss of someone, domestic violence, major surgery, redundancy, job loss or witnessing death.

Examples of ‘Little Trauma’

Personal conflict and emotional abuse, including narcissism. Infidelity, divorce, legal issues, financial insecurities, generational trauma, relocations,  shame/humiliation/excluded/bullying and ridicule, developmental and a parent/caregiver with a one or more physiological disorders.

These can be resolved.

People often mention how they feel afterwards such as:- lighter, enlightened, peaceful, relaxed, calmer, happier, resolved, empowered, excited, spiritually connected, unravelled, complete, connected, insightful are just a few recent examples

People discover they do matter, they do belong and they can feel safe.

People discover they can resolve the hidden identities they have behaving from that has been subconsciously playing behind their mindset.

People discover they can create new identities to automate their behaviour and responses from, making life an easier and smoother path to walk.

Everyone is entitled to live a life full of love, abundance, freedom and purity - Heide.R.Healing

T2C Singular sessions

Singular sessions are for those that wish to take a more gentler approach to their healing, or can be used for continuing and maintaining your healing after other programs.

You are in complete control of how often you would like to book.

We will be healing and processing shadows, beliefs, emotions or blocks.

Sessions should really be between 3 and  10 days apart, however this is dependant on how you feel you have processed the first session.

A cautionary note; if this is your first exposure to healing a shadow emotion such as ‘avoidance’ can hinder your growth because of the subconscious fear patterning associated with change, and you may make excuses not to book.

You are not committed to any number of sessions as this is a client led practice, so you book when you feel ready each time - it is your journey and you can choose to walk it your way, with me walking that path until you feel ready to safely walk alone.

First sessions are 2 hours, aiming to teach regulation and feeling safe and closing any open wounds (loop).

Sometimes this may mean going over the 2 hours. These are bookable at the end of the day as sometimes it may exceed 2 hours

First session is £144

Any sessions after are £88 /hour

If you require 2 hour sessions after your first session please let me know first; £144

T2C Monthly Membership

Committing to your own wellbeing and abundance will bring you the results you really desire in the long term, and maintain them.

A monthly fee is cheaper at £117 for a two hour session plus the opportunity to ask a reasonable amount of questions in between via text or email.

The minimum for this membership is 8 months (8 sessions), with the intention to really concrete your long term success and abundance, and to avoid those troughs and peaks.

The sessions will be guided by you, however I may suggest potential solutions to establish a better path if permitted.

We work together on any unresolved experiences that is affecting your quality of life, or parts of your life.

Memberships will educate, as well heal, and therefore you will then have the skills to deal with any issues as they arise between sessions and in your future.

Please contact me by email if you would like to consider this option and we can discuss.

Manifestation Sessions

Have a goal you want to focus on manifesting?

The solution is aligning the subconscious with the conscious, together with the whole body; at the same time removing those hidden self sabotaging limiting beliefs.

Sounds complicated- do not worry; I do the complicated and you are completed guided through the process.

Things that are true!

1) Abundance is for everyone.

2) What you imagine is achievable.

3) The future you is waiting for you to say yes to the experience you want.

Your goal maybe about self, your family, your relationships, your money, your finances, your business, your health or your circumstances.

You will learn the secrets around manifestation goals.

We will use a range of techniques including ancient esoteric methods to help you reach your goal, by removing old beliefs. limiting educations, and aligning your body with your desired goal. These practices will help maintain and stabilise your goals.

Please do not apply if you are not aligned/uncomfortable with esoteric methods.

You will receive 3 meditations to use to help you further.

£144 for 2 hour session.

Are you a practitioner, therapist, coach or teacher and looking to enhance yours or your client’s experience?

Looking for more education on mental health, trauma, addictions and the nervous system to bring permanent solutions to those that trust you?

Please point camera to any QR code and it will link you to the main The Centre for Healing website.

At check out please type in HEIDE for 10%  discount (please note spelling of my name)

About me.

I was an electrical engineer, who over the years has gradually transitioned to my soul purpose, which is helping people be the best version of themselves - to live a life they love in abundance. I do what I love.

Life has been made emotionally and mentally complicated for most- but really we all have the same lesson; to love and be loved, and that is where we are all intuitively trying to go.

I am an intuitive that uses my born skill to help each person identify and resolve issues quickly. Many people find it reassuring.

I’ve been practicing healing professionally since 2014, but first showed an interest when I completed my Maths A’level project using palmistry data when I was 17.

My first course studied was astrology at 18.

I have qualified and certified in many modalities and studied extensively in others - I love to learn and research, and enjoy learning the many different perspectives presented on one subject but also love discovering evidence of ‘science meets cosmic energy’. I like to see the light side of life too and enjoy a good laugh.

I do not form codependent relationships, also known as matrix hierarchy,  with clients, as it is imperative a client is responsible for their own growth and resolve. Therefore my practice is completely client led and not business led.

I am solution focused.

Supporter of other business experts.

My current qualifications to practice are:

Accredited Embodied Processing Trauma Practitioner

Accredited Trauma Informed Manifestation Coach

Certified Inner Child Practitioner

Accredited Trauma Informed Coach

Certified and Master Energy Healer in several modalities

Qualified Shadow Practitioner

Soul Path Practitioner

I am fully insured and an IICT member

Look forward to meeting you,

Professional Accredited Trauma-Trained Transformation Practitioner and Accredited Trauma-Informed Manifestation Coach

Embodied Processing Somatic Practitioner  - Heide.R.Healing


I like to educate as I know that releases a lot of anxiety and fear, so if you would like to hear from me via email please subscribe.